Obituary: Prof Avramov

Obituary: Prof Avramov

Obituary: Prof Avramov Image

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Prof. DSc. Isak Avramov (28.11.1946 – 13.11.2020)

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) and the International Glass Scientific Community have lost one of their most prominent and respected members, one who was no traditional thinker but full of original ideas. Professor Avramov graduated with honors from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Sofia University in 1969. He was then appointed in succession as Ph. D. student, Researcher, Associate Professor and from 2003 Professor at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, IPC–BAS.

During his scientific career he undertook numerous roles and had formal visits to France, Germany, USA, Russia, Brazil and Australia. Prof. Dr. I. Avramov was Leader of the Department of Amorphous Materials at IPC–BAS for years, where he created and fully equipped a laboratory for thermal analysis. He wa Chair of the Bulgarian Committee of ICG and author of more than 150 highly cited publications, 4 book chapters and 4 patents.

Professor Avramov managed several National and International scientific projects among which were Copernicus, Intercony, and NATO for Peace. The main scientific contributions of Isak Avramov are strongly linked to the theory of viscous flow in glass forming systems but he also actively worked in the fields of non-isothermal kinetics of phase formation, relaxation and structure of various glass-ceramic materials.

We will always retain our memory of Isak as an honest friend with a curious and entertaining imagination and a scientist possessing profound and original knowledge.

            Rest in peace.

From his friends at the Department of Amorphous Materials

Last Updated: 17/11/2020
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