TC09: Energy Efficiency for Glass Production
To identify the major process steps, with potential for energy efficiency improvement e.g. glass melting, glass conditioning, raw material supply & recycling, post-processing of glass. To select technologies with potential for efficiency improvement;
TC11: Refractory Materials
TC11 discuses advanced refractory materials and worldwide industrial experience on glass melting furnaces. The material properties and application problems are reported and analyzed. Testing procedure and inspection methods for refractory materials will be recommended.
TC13: Environment
The mission of TC13 is to achieve best practice by exchange of information concerning current and developing techniques for reducing the environmental impact of glass during its production, use and disposal. This shall include the comparison of the results
TC14: Gases in Glass
TC14 promotes activities to better understand evolution mechanisms of gases in glass and bubble formations. It supports cooperation with other Technical Committees in order to fulfill its mission. Most of its recent activities have been carried out jointly with TC11 and TC18 regarding the influences of glass contact materials and melting process on bubble formation.
TC18: Glass Melting Technology
The title of TC18 recently changed from “Properties of Glass Forming Melts” into “Glass Melting”. Its members stimulate co-operation between different Technical Committees operating within the cluster “Glass Production” and strives for further actions within the 4 main topics identified and described during the 2008-BRIG expert meeting “Innovative Glass Melting for the year 2020”.
TC21: Furnace Design and Operation
The main activity of TC21 is to improve the quality and reliability of glass furnace simulation modeling and optimization of software packages of different suppliers and glass producing factories that describe heat transfer, flows and temperatures in glass furnaces (melt, batch & combustion space). The most effective way to understand the strong and weak points is by simulating.