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Technical Committees Consisted
of Glass Experts and Academicians
Technical Committees of
Glass Experts and Academicians
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Various Educations, Books,
Publications and Online Trainings
Various Educations, Books,
Publications and Online Trainings
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Global Cooperation
in the World of Glass
Global Cooperation
in the World of Glass
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International Congresses,
Annual Conferences and Events
International Congresses
Annual Conferences and Events
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Latest News About ICG
and Glass World
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Global Cooperation
in the World of Glass

Glass Experts and Academicians

Technical Committees

Events and Conferences

Educations and Webinars

Membership Benefits
Be a part of ICG, a non-profit glass society organization

Technical Committees

Technical Committees cover vital topics in glass science and technology. Meetings of the TCs are held regularly to discuss the results of inter-laboratory experiments and surveys.

Conferences & Events

ICG holds periodical congress and conferences, giving glass scientists and technologists a valuable opportunity to meet and disseminate information on glass science and technology.


ICG Summer and Winter Schools in Montpellier and Wuhan are ideal programs for If you are a new research student or have just started work in the glass industry.


ICG is a glass society consisted of many glass experts from corporate companies and respected academicians of their field. ICG meetings and technical committees are great place for networking.


The studies in technical commutties gives opportunity to generate publications. Also, check out the books written and editted by well respected academicians of ICG.

Latest ICG News

The 3rd São Carlos School

The CeRTEV team at the Universities of São Carlos are thrilled to announce the Third São Carlos School on Glasses and Glass-ceramics from March 10th to 15th, 20...Read More

ICG Annual Meeting 2024 Recap

The ICG 2024 Annual Meeting took place with great enthusiasm in Incheon, Korea. This year’s meeting was notably dynamic and filled with innovations, highlighted...Read More

The Winners of the Glass Decorates

We are thrilled to announce the winners of the 'Glass Decorates' contest, an initiative by The All India Glass Manufacturers' Federation (AIGMF) to inspire crea...Read More

The 27ᵗʰ International Congress on Glass

The 27ᵗʰ International Congress on Glass will be held between January 20-24, 2025 in Kolkata, India. The theme of the ICG 2025 Congress is “Glass: A Smart and I...Read More

ICG Newsletter

Welcome to the first newsletter release by ICG (International Commission on Glass) in 2024. This edition aims to give an overview of the latest news happening i...Read More

ICG Corporate Collaboration

We want to announce an important further step of the ICG2030 project, i.e., implementing the Associated Member Company Council (AMCC). The ICG decided to establ...Read More

Latest Other News

Austen Angell Passed Away

We are very sorry to inform our readers that we recently learned Austen Angell has died.

Obituary: Prof Avramov

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) and the International Glass Scientific Community have lost one of their most prominent and respected members, one who wa...

Obituary: Prof Nemilov

It was truly sad that Professor Sergei Vladimirovich Nemilov passed away on October 8, 2020 in Saint Petersburg, RUSSIA. He was born in Moscow to the family of ...

Pharma Packaging Paper

TC12 recently published a paper with the latest results of the round robin activities undertaken by the committee during the last three years. Here are the deta...

Corporate Sponsors of ICG