TC16: Nanostructured Glasses and Coating by Wet Chemistry

At present, the main goal of TC16 is to perform collaborative research focused around the development of nanostructured glass and coating starting from liquid solution or dispersion, in particular glass and glass-ceramics obtained from sol-gel, colloidal chemistry, nanostructured ink will be investigated. The main research topics are: Glass-ceramics for photonic and solar applications and Hybrid organic-inorganic glass for functional applications

Activities and plans

Planned activities for 2024

A. Martucci and K. Tadanga plan to exchange PhD student
A. Martucci and A. Jitianu plan to continue collaboration on hybrid sol-gel coatings
TC meeting will be held in Berlin in the beginning of September during the sol-gel 22nd International Sol-Gel Conference.

Activities 2023

A. Martucci visited A. Jitianu in October 2024 for collaboration on sol-gel hybrid coatings.
A. Martucci attended 17th International Heat Transfer Conference Cape Town 18-23 August 2023 and MS&T23 conference in Columbus 1-4 October 2023 presenting oral contribution on sol-gel hybrid coatings for heat management.
S. Ribeiro organized the “XII International School and Workshop NanoAndes 2023” in Araraquara-SP, Brazil (09-17/10/2023)
S. Ribeiro attended as invited speaker the “10th European Silicon Days” in Montpelier, France (10-12/07/2023)
S. Ribeiro attended as invited speaker the ICNM2023 (4th International Conference on Nanomaterials for Health, Energy and the Environment) in Caloundra, Australia (27-31/08/2023)
R. Almeida attended as invited speaker the GOMD Meeting in New Orleans, June 4-9.
Y. Castro attended as speaker to the SUSGEM, 8th International Sol-Gel Society Workshop “Suitable Sol-gel Energy Materials”, Castelló de la Plana, Spain Octiber 1st-4th 2023.
A. Jitianu organized Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Materials for Alternative Energy symposium at Material Science and Technology 2023 Conference, October 01-05, 2023 – Columbus, OH-US


The TC16 members had 2 meetings in 2019: June 2019 in Boston, where we decided to change the name of the TC16 and nominated S. Ribeiro vice-chair; August 2019 in St. Petersbourg, where common points of activities between ISGS board and TC-16 were discussed.

– Meetings attended

ICACC 2019 – 43 International Conference and exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites 2019 27 January – 1 February, Daytona Beach (USA), “Optical gas sensors based on surface plasmon resonance” (A. Martucci, Invited speaker).

25th International Congress on Glass 2019 – Boston 4-9 June 2019 (USA), “Solution processed nanostrucutred materials for functional applications” (A. Martucci, Invited speaker) and “Sol-Gel modified upconversion nanoparticles. Energy and biomedicine applications.” (S. Ribeiro, Invited speaker)

– Collaborative research project

In the framework of the CTC-funded collaborative research project “Nanocrystalline sol-gel coatings for solar energy applications”, the sol–gel method was used to prepare multi-component films with a complex structure, including photonic bandgap multilayer architectures. In particular, the following coatings have been developed:

  1. Down- and up-converting coatings containing rare earths, which absorb in the visible and emit in the NIR (down-conversion) or vice-versa (up-conversion), have been developed for photovoltaic solar cell application.
  2. Solar-control coatings which can reflect the sun light. The studied sol-gel coatings were based on ZnO:Ga or ZnO:Ge.

In the framework of such project A. Martucci visited the IST lab (in Lisboa) in November 2019. In 2020 it is planned the visit of a PhD student from IST lab in Padova for 4 months for doing XRD, ellipsometry and SEM.

– Book               

R.Almeida, L. Santos and A. Martuccci are editors of “Sol-gel derived optical and photonic materials” which will be published by Elsevier in 2020. A. Duran, S. Ribeiro and J. Xu are contributing with a chapter.

– Publications                

– G. Giordano, C. Durante, N. Michieli, A gennaro. A. Martucci, M. Guglielmi, “SiO2-TiO2 multilayer via electrochemical deposition: characterization of reflection and refractive index” J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 89, 196 (2019).

–  Rocío Estefanía Rojas-Hernandeza, Luís F. Santos, Rui M. Almeida, “Tb3+ / Yb3+ doped aluminosilicate phosphors for near infrared emission and efficient down-conversion”  J. Lumin. 197, 180 (2018).

– Rocío Estefanía Rojas-Hernandeza, Luís F. Santos, Rui M. Almeida, “Photonic crystal assisted up-converter based on Tb3+ / Yb3+  doped aluminosilicate glass”, Opt. Mat.  83, 61 (2018).


In 2020, TC16 plans to focuse its activity on 2 or 3 collaborative research projects with well defined objectives.

Committee Members

Almeida, Rui
Castro, Yolanda
Chen, Gang
Duran, Alicia
Jitianu, Andrei
Martucci, Alex Committee Position: Chair
Ribiero, Sidney
Santos, Luis
Tadanaga, Kiyoharu

Committee Contact Details

TC16: Nanostructured Glass and Coating by Wet Chemistry

Prof. Alessandro Martucci
University of Padova