TC06 covers the mechanical, including nanomechanical, properties of glasses. The committee’s work involves both test methods (e.g. edge strength measurement) and understanding the fundamentals of glass fracture and the growth of cracks. The committee has a mixture of academic and industrial members and we are always interested in hearning from new prospective members.
Activities and plans
In 2016, TC06 focussed on the following issues:
- Re-launch of TC06 at SGT centenary conference, Sheffield
- Definition of topical focus for the next 5 years
- Revision of TC memberships
- Publication of article collection as a special issue of Frontiers in Materials – Glass Science
(A) Relaunch of TC06 and activities at SGT 2017
After beeing formally endorsed by the leadership of ICG, TC06 was relaunched in its new form in September 2016, during the centenary conference of the Society of Glass Technology, Sheffield, UK. On this occasion, TC06 was organizer of a round table discussion on “Ultrastrong Glasses”, held with the winners of the 2016 Otto Schott Research Award, Drs. Sheldon Wiederhorn, Jean-Pierre Guin and Satoshi Yoshida. A transcript of the discussion is presently under review and will be published in the first half of 2017. The relauch was also used as a start to review and reinstate membership in TC06, starting from the full member panels of TC06 and TC08.
(B) Topical focus
TC06 will work in three core-groups:
1. Testing and Evaluation – Macro-Micro
Consideration, documentation and evaluation of testing procedures for macro and micromechanical properties of glasses. This includes strength testing, fatigue studies, wear and abrasion. Work to be conducted primarily in round robin campaigns.
Initial Focus: tbd / edge-testing (previous focus of TC06)
2. Testing and Evaluation – Nano
Consideration, documentation and evaluation of methods for nanomechanical testing of glasses and glass surfaces, including novel methods and method transfer from related classes of materials. Work to be conducted in collaborative campaigns and symposia.
Initial Focus: abrasive wear, scratch and lateral indentation
3. Materials Chemistry, Toughening and Stronger Glass
Consideration and documentation of relations between glass structure, surface chemistry and mechanical properties towards improved mechanical performance. Work to be conducted primarily in symposia.
Initial Focus: (I) “topological engineering” – design of mechanical properties through knowledge of glass network topology, (II) thermal strengthening.
(C) Revision of membership
Starting from the combined list of TCs 06 and 08, the present membership list is under revision. Revision shall be complete in summer 2017, with a total target membership of 15, including a target of at least 6 non-academia members.
(D) Publication
A special issue is being endorsed by TC06 in the Glass Science section of Frontiers in Materials. Article submission started in May 2016. All articles are reviewed by at least two peer scientists. The majority of articles is fully sponsored from funding of the PP 1594 program (Wondraczek), enabling open access publication. At the moment there are 13 full papers published with 64 authors. Three more are expected for completion of the issue and final publication as an E-book. As of January 2017, the journal is indexed by Thomson-Reuters, what will significantly increase visibility.
Topics of the special issue are:
- In situ observation of indentation-induced glass deformation by small-angle X-ray scattering
- Parametrization in models of subcritical glass fracture: Activation offset and concerted activation
- Trends in Effective Diffusion Coefficients for Ion-Exchange Strengthening of Soda-Lime-Silica Glasses
- A Novel Approach for Preparation and In Situ Tensile Testing of Silica Glass Membranes in the Transmission Electron Microscope
- Cross-section Morphology of the Scratch-Induced Cracks in Soda-Lime-Silica Glass
- Interaction between Deformation and Crack Initiation under Vickers Indentation in Na2O–TiO2–SiO2 Glasses
- Influence of Cooling Rate on Cracking and Plastic Deformation during Impact and Indentation of Borosilicate Glasses
- Vickers Indentation Cracking of Ion-Exchanged Glasses: Quasi-Static vs. Dynamic Contact
- Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Elastic Moduli of Silicate Glasses and Crystals
- Pressure-Induced Densification of Oxide Glasses at the Glass Transition
- Corrosion Fatigue Studies on a Bulk Glassy Zr-Based Alloy under Three-Point Bending
- Evaluation of Sinking-In and Cracking Behavior of Soda-Lime Glass under Varying Angle of Trigonal Pyramid Indenter
- Competing Indentation Deformation Mechanisms in Glass Using Different Strengthening Methods
- Mechanical–Structural Investigation of Chemical Strengthening Aluminosilicate Glass through Introducing Phosphorus Pentoxide
- Modifier Interaction and Mixed-Alkali Effect in Bond Constraint Theory Applied to Ternary Alkali Metaphosphate Glasses
Major tasks for 2017 will be:
- Review scratch-testing and tribology of glass surfaces: identify state of the art and potential quantitative methods
- Initiate round-robin on scratch testing of blank and surface-modified glasses
- Complete special issue “Ultrastrong Glasses” in Frontiers in Materials and publish as E-Book
- Endorse PP 1594 Ph.D school “Ultrastrong Glasses” in autumn 2017
- Endorse FFAG2017 in Aalborg, Denmark, July 2017
Committee Members
Avramov, Isac
Ciccotti, Matteo
Cormack, Alastair
Fotheringham, Ulrich
Gupta, Prabhat K.
Gy, Rene
Hand, Russell
Helfinstine, John (Dr)
Koike, Akio
Lucas, Pierre
Matsuoka, Jun (Dr)
Mauro, John
Nemilov, Sergei V.
Rouxel, Tanguy
Rufflé, Benoit
Smedskaer, Morten
Vitkala, Jorma
Wondraczek, Lothar Committee Position: Chair
Yoshida, Satoshi
Yue, Yuanzheng
Yıldız, Turkay
Committee Contact Details
TC06: Mechanical & Nanomechanical Properties
Prof Dr.Ing. Lothar Wondraczek
Otto-Schott-Institut fur Glaschemie
Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena
Fraunhofer Strasse 6
07743 Jena, Germany